Elements of Success
The elements of success are integrated into a holistic strategy focused on student access, engagement, and success. Collectively, these interrelated components promote and support a school culture of high expectations for rigorous student learning and open enrollment in Advanced Placement® courses.

College Readiness Program
Eligible AP® Courses
The Application Process
Commitment to Growth
The goals of the program are to increase the number of students enrolling in AP® mathematics, science, English, Capstone, and computer science courses (listed below) and to strengthen the teaching of those courses. This is evidenced by the number of students taking and earning qualifying scores on AP exams in those courses. Selected schools and teachers agree to follow the Program Elements shown above.
Courses supported by AdvanceKentucky® include AP® Math and Computer Science courses in Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Computer Science A, Computer Science Principles, and Statistics; AP®Science courses and exams in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics 1 and 2, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, and Physics C: Mechanics; and AP® English courses and exams in English Language and English Literature. The AP® Capstone Seminar and Research courses are also supported.
Apply as a School
Interested schools may apply to the program at any time of the year by completing an online application. Preference is given to schools in a position to initiate or grow their AP programs for underrepresented student populations.
Apply as an Individual AP® Teacher
Interested teachers may apply to the program at any time of the year by completing an online application. Preference will be given to teachers that are in a position to initiate or grow their AP programs for underrepresented students AND have not previously participated in the College Readiness Program.
Selection Process
Eligible applicants will be invited to negotiate a Letter of Agreement with the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation. Traditionally, a new cohort of schools and teachers is announced in the Spring/Summer prior to activities associated with the first full academic year in the program. This includes recruiting students, planning for any new AP® classes and AP® and Pre-AP® teacher training over the summer.
For questions or to schedule an informal visit to your school/district, please contact Aaron Timmons.

A two-day training designed to support AP® math, science, English, Capstone, and computer science teachers by providing strategies and resources centered around content and pedagogy. Fall Forum is Kentucky’s premier AP® conference for any math, science, English, Capstone, or computer science teacher interested in supporting equity and access through an open enrollment environment.
Led by experienced and effective presenters, these online, monthly sessions cover content, best practices, and student engagement strategies. Sessions are recorded and available for on-demand viewing.
Teachers participate in a virtual mock scoring that simulates the actual AP® exam readings held across the United States each summer. During the reading, participants are briefed on the FRQs and calibrated on the rubrics to accurately score exams from students across the state. Experienced AP® exam readers and College Board consultants lead the training and provide guidance on how to evaluate student work and provide follow-up support.
Students and teachers of all AP® MSE content areas are invited to attend a full-day, conference-style AP Exam Prep Session in April. These sessions are geographically distributed and composed of four instructional blocks with the goal of reviewing/synthesizing important topics in each AP® MSE course. Lunch is provided.